Two million inmates. One Savior. We like our odds.
More than two million Americans are incarcerated. Combined with the other five million people on probation and parole, nearly seven million American adults are under the supervision of the corrections system.
These men and women need a new start. They need a new direction.
They need a Savior.
We happen to know an awesome Rabbi from Galilee who specializes in the business of transforming lives. As it happens, He loves prisoners. At the Jubilee Weekend, we introduce incarcerated men and women to the One who can redeem their lives and give them lasting hope. Come and see miracles happen.
Join the Jubilee!
Photography courtesy of Jubilee Prison Ministry, Miracles courtesy of the Holy Spirit
Freda Shane, Jubilee Volunteer and mother of an incarcerated Jubilee Brother in White
Get INvolved
Do you hear that voice? It is the Holy Spirit prompting you. With so many ways to serve, there is something just for you.
Learn more about the Jubilee Weekend mission. "I was in prison and you visited me." All denominations are welcome.